Friday 24 August 2012

Potato salad, Myanmar style

This potato salad is quite healthy compared to the ones with mayonnaise, though they are equally delicious.

                          Start with some boiled potatoes, making sure they are cooked but still firm.

Slice half an onion ( I know, what a hassle, right?) as thin as you possibly can. Chop one (or more) chilli.

                                Other ingredients you will need for the salad are:   

                                fried garlic oil, about two tablespoons,

                                roasted dhal powder (optional ), about one tablespoonful,

                               tamarind pulp ( no, it's not coffee ), about two tablespoons, though you                            can use lemon juice, but it will not have the same body as tamarind.

                               about a tablespoon of fish sauce depending on how salty your want .

                               Now let's assemble the salad. I like to use a spoon and not my hands
                       to mix this as I tend to squish the potatoes too much!

                               Place the sliced potato and onions in a bowl,

                               add the rest of the ingredients ,

                                 and  mix gently with a spoon, making sure the oil is incorporated.
   Adjust according to your taste. 
                                    If you like some heat in your food, you can add dried chilli flakes.

                   It is ready now to join the pork curry and the sour daikon soup cooked with dried salted fish.


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