Friday, 24 August 2012

First Blog

        I have thought many times of starting a blog, not just any blog but a food
 related one. Finally, after a busy day of just about everything, I am 
      starting one.  There are misconceptions about Myanmar food. 
Some think it is bland, not quite as exotic as Indian curries, not interesting 
as Thai or as healthy as Vietnamese dishes.
        Possibly all these notions are  correct. It is milder in taste and fewer in
ingredients. But the mildness and sometimes sparse components makes
 for a subtle and delicate taste that can be addictive. 
       We do have dishes that are vibrant and strong, some dishes
are influenced by the different cultures that have joined our nation.
The flavors maybe be deceptively mild but the memory of it
will stay with you for a long time.

Pork curry or sii pyun

 A simple dish with of pork, spices , onions and tomatoes.
I took about half a kilo of pork, cut it into random pieces ( I don't like precision cut blocks of meat)  and throw it in a pot together with a diced onion, two chopped tomatoes,a teaspoon each of turmeric powder, chilli powder, salt, and a smidgen of sugar.

 Pour about three tablespoons of oil on the whole lot and mix it well on high heat. When the onion has wilted down and meat has changed color, add water to cover it all.
 Put the lid on the pot and let it cook away, preferably on medium heat ( low heat if you are going  to be watching TV in the meantime like I was ) until meat is tender. Depending on the cut of the meat , you may need to add more water.
You will know when the dish is done by sight and sound. The water will have evaporated, the oil will have returned and the smell!!!  Glorious smell!!  It will fill up the whole kitchen and then you will know that the dish is done.
There! So simple and so good.
        I am sure most will already know how to cook this. For those who have not tasted it before, watch out that you don't burn the dish. But that's  no problem as the burnt bits are so, so delicious too.

bye for now....

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